Sacrament of Holy ORders
Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes three degrees: episcopate [bishops], presbyterate [priests], and diaconate [deacons]. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1536
Holy Orders is a threefold sacrament at the service of the Church. Without these three orders you cannot begin to speak of a church.” St. Ignatius of Antioch, c. AD 105.
Deacons are called to ministry of the Word, service at the altar and works of charity.
Priests are ministers of most the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and Reconciliation. They exercise a ministry of teaching, leading and sanctifying. They serve to represent Christ, the bishop and the Church.
Bishops share in the fullness of the priesthood and serve as successors to apostles.
Those interested in the diaconate or priesthood are encouraged to visit one the parish deacons or priests. The selection bishops is done by the Holy See.

Office of Priestly Vocations
Do you have a love of God that manifests itself in a desire to give your life in service to God's people?
Do you have a love of the Church, it's sacraments and a desire to celebrate the sacraments with the community?
Do you have a love of God's Word and a desire to proclaim the Gospel to God's people?
Do you have a desire to model holiness as Christ's representative among the People of God?
Do you have a heart that can listen to others and reach out in healing?
Do you have an ability to be happy without the intimate companionship of a wife and family?
Do you have a generous spirit that manifests itself in a willingness to volunteer your time and talents to others?
Do you have a desire to deepen your prayer life and relationship with God?
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the vocation further,
contact Fr. Andrew Kliene at
Office of
Consecrated Life
The Office of Consecrated Life exists to:
Promote vocations to all forms of consecrated life: sisters, brothers and priests, secular institutes, consecrated virgins and hermits
Aid existing members of consecrated life in their various needs
Recruit new congregations into the diocese.
We hope you will always feel free to call or send an email if you have questions or would like to talk.
Sr. Connie Boulch, OSF, Director of the Office of Consecrated Life
816.756.1850, ext 245 (office) or 816.651.0551 (cell)