Sacrament of Marriage
A marriage is so revered by the Catholic Church that we call it a Sacrament—a visible sign of God’s invisible presence in our lives.
Though it was the last Sacrament added to the official list, the Church views marriage as vital to its life and mission. A Catholic marriage is seen as a permanent covenant by which a man and woman freely establish a community of life and love, which is faithful, permanent and open to life. These three elements are essential for a valid, sacramental marriage.
We congratulate you on your engagement and your plan to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage at St. Therese. Please know we are here to assist you in making your wedding day a joyful celebration!

The Marriage Preparation Process
The steps outlined in our Wedding Preparation Guide below, are based on the policies set forth by the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. All steps must be completed prior to marrying in the Church. By diocesan policy a nine-month preparation period is required to prepare for marriage.
General FAQs
General Wedding Inquiries
By diocesan policy a nine-month preparation period is required to prepare for marriage.
For general inquires about scheduling a wedding or for marriage preparation contact:
Deacon Scott McKellar: or call 816.741.2800 x213
How Soon Can I Book My Wedding?
We would be happy to tell you what dates are already booked, but you cannot firmly book a date for your own wedding until Step 2 of the wedding preparation process is completed. We strongly recommend that you do not book other venues until the wedding date has been firmly set (see the marriage preparation process below).
Music & Liturgic Considerations
Three months prior to your wedding date, it is your responsibility to contact St. Therese Music Director who will assist you with preparing your wedding liturgy and will work with you to select the readings and music for your ceremony.
St. Therese has many experienced soloists, organists, and pianists to assist with your wedding celebration. If you wish to have an individual musician participate in your wedding liturgy, please inform the Music Director at your liturgy planning meeting. The Director will contact the musicians regarding their availability.
Reach out with questions or to begin planning your music and liturgical needs:
Karen Engebretson:
816.741.2800 x258 or
Wedding Times Availability
Weddings are generally celebrated outside the seasons of Lent and Advent. Exceptions can be made with permission from the Pastor.
Weekday Evenings
5:00 and 6:30 pm
Friday Evenings
Begin no later than 6:30 pm
Begin no later than 1:00 pm

Resources for
Marriage Enrichment
Find opportunities and resources for living more spiritually in your marriage.
Reaffirmation of Faith
Who do I contact for Information about Annulments or Convalidation?
Deacon Scott McKellar, Pastoral Associate
816.741.2800 ex.213